Seaford Town Council’s Position Statement On the Martello Toilets

Now that we have entered the seafront’s peak season, and visitor numbers have started to increase, the Town Council and partnership organisations are receiving queries and complaints about the Martello Toilets.

Whilst the Town Council shares in the disappointment of the demise of these facilities, it would like to remind the public that the Martello Toilets are due to start refurbishment later in 2023.

A scheme was originally devised to demolish and rebuild the Martello Toilets.  However, the associated costs had increased significantly due to circumstances beyond the control of Seaford Town Council and therefore alternative options needed to be considered.

As a result, it was agreed by Full Council on 13th October 2022 (minutes can be found here) that the facility would be refurbished to provide new toilets and a refreshment concession, thus delivering the priorities that had already been identified by the project whilst making significant savings on costs.

A design was developed (which can be viewed here) and agreed by Full Council on 26th January 2023 (minutes can be viewed here). The Town Council then ran a public consultation on the project between 17 February and 13 March 2023. The design was approved by Lewes District Council planners in April 2023.

The Town Council is currently fine tuning the structural design and specification in preparation for seeking quotes with a view to starting work towards the end of 2023.

In the meantime, the Town Council continues to contract out cleaning and maintenance of the Martello Toilets.

Updates on the Martello Toilets can be found here -