Seaford Town Council’s Mission Statement: “Working with our community to secure Seaford’s best future.”
In November 2023, the Town Council adopted its Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The minutes of the November Full Council meeting can be downloaded by clicking here.
Within the Plan, the Town Council has set six aims to:
- Promote and develop a thriving town, enabling future opportunities for economic wellbeing and an active community.
- Develop and deliver projects to help support the wellbeing of the residents of the town
- Develop and maintain assets, settings and recreational facilities so as to: Ensure safe access; Benefit the community; and Safeguard the character of the town.
- Listen to, engage with and give voice to our residents so that the Town Council is actively encouraging community voices to be heard and our priorities reflect the needs of the communities.
- Practice ethical and sustainable governance that shows fiscal responsibility and ensures sustainability.
- Help create a sustainable Seaford, resilient to the effects of climate change.
The full Strategic Plan can be downloaded here: Strategic Plan 2023-2027