Councillor Sally Markwell was elected Mayor for 2024-2025 with Councillor Maggie Wearmouth as her Deputy. 










The Mayor of Seaford will focus this year on strengthening community resilience by connecting members of the public with fellow residents and community groups in a bid to enhance Seaford’s community cohesion.

Community Picnics

The Mayor of Seaford invites the people of Seaford to organise community picnics during the summer. Community Picnics are about friendship and support. By inviting people from your neighbourhood, local group or organisation, who you may not know that well to share a small picnic, may give you and others an opportunity to extend the hand of friendship during the summer months.

‘Picnic packs’ can be downloaded below and have lots of ideas about exciting sustainable picnic menus, as well as encouraging everyone to think about being plastic free by reducing and reusing items. We have a wonderful map that highlights all our green spaces where groups of up to 25 people can use for free. There is also an engagement form to invite the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to go along to the picnic as well, the Mayor is really looking forward to an interesting summer! We hope these occasions can continue to flourish with care and support throughout the year, with more people venturing out and finding the support they need.

Download the Community Picnic Pack here: Community Picnic Pack

Or hard copies can be requested by emailing

Thinking of hosting a community picnic? Please let us know! The Mayor would love to attend and also we’d love to share any information or photos from your gathering. Please email:

Mayor’s Charity

The Mayor has chosen Seafriends as her charity this year, this Seaford charity is a befriending group, benefitting anyone in Seaford who feels lonely or isolated.

Seafriends logo

Keeping Updated

For updates throughout the year, please check the Mayor’s Facebook page, regular reports to Full Council meetings (linked below) or subscribe to email updates from the Town Council (on all of its news and activities) by emailing

Mayoral Engagements

Details of the Mayoral Engagements and Events are reported in the Mayor’s Report at each Full Council meeting or can be seen on the Mayor’s Facebook page @mayorofseaford

Mayors 2023 – 2024 Reports: Council Meetings

If you wish to book the Mayor for an official engagement, please email

Mayoral Activities
The Mayor of Seaford, Deputy Mayor and Len from Seahaven FM, in the studio


I had an enjoyable time at Seahaven FM, to listen to my interview please click on the following link





The Mayor at the D-Day anniversary event at Splash Point in Seaford.


I was honoured to attend the very moving commemorative D-Day 80th anniversary event at Splash Point. It was wonderful to see so many people coming together to take part in paying tribute to the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.









The Mayor of Seaford, Deputy Mayor of Seaford and Laurie Holland attend the D-Day service at Seaford War memorial.


D-Day service at Seaford War Memorial







The Mayor at the reception with the Lord-LieutenantSeaford Mayor with other local mayors at the The Mayor at the reception with the Lord-Lieutenant






The Mayor attended the Sustainability Seaford Fair on Saturday 1st June 2024.










Past Mayors

Each year at its Annual Meeting the Council must elect a Mayor as first point of business; the Mayor then serves in office for the Municipal Year (May to May).

The Council is lucky to have had such a variety of Mayors since its formation in 1999, each with their own aspirations for their time in office and with unswerving dedication to their roles. Often, as the Mayor, they would receive an invite to an engagement on a weekly basis, some weeks as special occasions there may even be three or four engagements – this is on top of their duties and responsibilities as a Councillor, and all carried out voluntarily.

The Council offers its gratitude to those former Mayors of Seaford:

2024-2025: Councillor Sally Markwell
2023-2024: Councillor Olivia Honeyman
2022-2023: Councillor Olivia Honeyman
2021-2022: Councillor Rodney Reed
2020-2021: Councillor Rodney Reed
2019-2020: Councillor Nazish Adil
2018-2019: Councillor Linda Wallraven
2017-2018: Councillor Linda Wallraven
2016-2017: Councillor Lindsay Freeman
2015-2016: Councillor Dave Argent
2014-2015: Councillor Mark Brown
2013-2014: Councillor Anthony White
2012-2013: Councillor Linda Wallraven
2011-2012: Councillor Linda Wallraven
2010-2011: Councillor Robert Allen
2009-2010: Councillor Tracy Willis
2008-2009: Councillor Carolyn Lambert
2007-2008: Councillor Ralph Taylor
2006-2007: Councillor Rosemary Collict
2005-2006: Councillor Marion Lambert
2004-2005: Councillor Kenneth Davies
2003-2004: Councillor Jon Freeman
2002-2003: Councillor Dr Jill Rosser
2001-2002: Councillor Leslie Whittle
2000-2001: Councillor Arthur James
1999-2000: Councillor Laurence Holland
* This page was last updated July 2024*