The Salts Recreation Ground boasts the largest open space available for hire in Seaford at approximately 37,500 m2, with public toilet facilities, cafe, tennis courts, play area, outside gym, skate park as well as a basketball area. The Salts also has a Scout Hut and Cricket Pavilion as well as Seaford Rugby Club which is available for hire through SRFC with its own indoor hall, bar and kitchen. The Salts is directly next to the train line and seafront with extensive parking.  Please note the grounds are home to Seaford Rugby club and Cricket club, therefore booking request would need to consider fixture listings for both clubs already in place.

Hire Charges:
Larger grounds:

Commercial / Outside Bodies
Day £496.41
Setting Up £248.25

Per Hour (Fee upon request)

Not for Profit/Voluntary Groups
Day £124.15
Setting up £62.00
Per Hour (Fee upon request)


Smaller Green Picnic Space area:

Commercial/Outside Bodies

Day: £184.00

Setting up: £92.00

Per Hour (Fee upon Request)


Voluntary/Non Profit Groups:

Day:  £46.00

Setting up:  £22.50

Per Hour (Fee upon request)


This page was updated March 2024


Hire Venue

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